Day: February 17, 2009


There is a slight chance that I didn’t get excited enough for today’s sonogram…  expectant fathers are almost never as excited as they are expected to be. Nature doesn’t want males to sit around staring proudly at their mates with morning sickness. Nature wants you to go out and make other mates puke.  I am not someone who likes to disappoint his wife and I was very happy to get caught up in the tiny beating heart of that sea monkey on the black and white tellie this morning.

With that said, when my wife was not around look for some signs of reassuring co-mingled enthusiasm, I was way more excited for this breakfast of eggs, peppers, steak, and cheese with some iced coffee. That is good stuff.

But next time we have an appointment I am going to be sure to eat first so that the “last best” thing of the day will be the sonagram picture.

We went for a sonogram today to see if the thing in Mariel’s baby was a shetland pony or in fact a little human. The doctor had a heck of time measuring that little nucotranslucency thing because alpha cornell was getting it’s dance on. Lots of moving around; doing flips and kicks and twirls like a good sea monkey.


It was a little touch and go but Mariel just got word that it looks like we have a very good percent chance of ending up with a healthy human. Woo hoo!








