Play dough and rain on a Monday

Our seats were fantastic. The music was delicious. But the best thing by far was when they danced away from the Mic and you could hear unadulterated vocals.

There’s this thing on netflix where a quick-cut/crap movie with a derivative title and cover is released to try and trap people that are waiting for a good movie to make it to dvd.

Every time we see the title we get a little excited and then let down when we see that it’s a fakey. I can only imagine all the grandparents that buy this crap and get annoyed when their ingrate grand-kids make a disgusted face upon opening their gifts. There’s something to be said that these kids movies are SO big that other movies can exist purely on the scraps.

For your kind review; in support of these claims…

  • Chop, Kick Panda.
  • Tappy Toes.
  • Puss n’ Boots.

I wasn’t expecting to see a package today but there was one… and it was packed in a box that was delivered by UPS

And to celebrate what is going on here there is a video from the archives that seems rather apropos:

The kids get some scooter time down in la jolla and then play at the YMCA

Chase using his microscope top check out rocks sticks and a ruler (for scale)

Made some taco bowls with tortilla shells baked on a upside down muffin tin

They were pretty good

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