Category: Happenings

On the 10th day of #whiskeymas my true love made for me: some stromboli and Ohishi Japanese whiskey. For those following along, it has smoke and is pretty good!

On the 9th day of #whiskeymas my true love shared with me Kilchoman. It’s smokey and in your face, but it may be great.

The dog wanted to join in and the Celtics’ game was on – not a bad way to spend a night while the kids were practicing with their band.

On the 8th of #whiskeymas my true love and I hid in Hobbes, in the garage, with fireplace mode on and drank New Holland bourbon.

On the 7th day of #whiskeymas my true love said to me “drink it, it’s your punishment for today”

Day 6 (late night) of whiskeymas my true love and I sipped down some thing we didn’t bother to even remember to post about.

Coppersea Excelsior Straight Bourbon Whiskey

On the 5th day of whiskeymas my true love and inflatable trucking driving Santa shared Bon Accord Whiskey

On the 4th day of whiskeymas, my true love shared a Japanese malt, and I shared Akira Kurosawa.

Mariel came in while I was setting up some plants and a fan and said “What the hell is all this?” I tried to explain what I could remember about Kurosawa’s style and I’m stupid. So we should just watch a bunch of his films as soon as the Christmas season is over.

On the third day of whiskeymas my true love shared with me: Penderyn

It was caramel, smoky, that finished spicy. It was tasty.

On the second day of whiskmas my true love shared with me, a 12 year old Scotch that was smokey as hell and reminded me of resurfacing driveways as a child.